This plan is a guidebook for managing change and development in the Town of Lenroot. The plan provides the most recently available statistics, documents the important issues of concern identified by Town residents, and sets forth goals, objectives, policies, and actions to be pursued by the Town in the coming years. The plan covers topics mandated by Wisconsin State Statute 66.1001, but the content of the plan reflects local concerns. This plan looks forward to the year 2030, but it should be reviewed annually and fully updated every ten years.
As required by statute, copies of this adopted plan were distributed to the Town of Hayward , Town of Round Lake, Town of Spider Lake, Town of Barnes- Bay field County, Town of Cable Bayfield County, Town. of Frog Creek-Washburn County, Town of Stinnett-Washburn County, the Sherman and Ruth Weiss Community Library and the Wisconsin Department of Administration.
Residents were consulted in the development of this plan through public meetings throughout the planning process and a formal public hearing held prior to adoption. All planning committee working sessions were also open to public attendance and comment. Several key themes emerged from this input:
• Maintain and preserve the Town of Lenroot’s rural northwoods character.
• Protect sensitive natural resources within the Town of Lenroot.
• Encourage agricultural practices within the Town of Lenroot.
The plan is organized into nine (9) chapters or elements:
• Issues & Opportunities
• Housing
• Transportation
• Utilities & Community Facilities
• Natural, Agricultural and Cultural Resources
• Economic Development
• Intergovernmental Cooperation
• Land Use
• Implementation
This plan was developed in 2011 and updated in 2021.