Lenroot Town Board Meeting
Lenroot Town Hall
12215 N US Hwy 63, Hayward WI
Monday, August 9th, 2021
Present: Chairman Christians, Supervisor Jack Sjostrom, Supervisor Jason Sjostrom, Supervisor Kariainen, Supervisor Bandow, Carol Stone, Clerk, Rebecca Brunner-Stroede, Treasurer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 12th, , 2021 Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes. Supervisor Jack Sjostrom made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Supervisor Kariainen 2nd the motion. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. July 12th , 2021, Closed Lenroot Town Board Meeting Minutes: Supervisor Bandow made a motion to approve the Lenroot Town Board Special Meeting Minutes as written. Chairman Christians 2nd the motion. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF THE COMBINED CLERK & TREASURER REPORT: Supervisor Kariainen made a motion to approve the June 14, 2021 Combined Clerk & Treasurer Report. Supervisor Bandow 2nd the motion. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Tagalder Bridge issue is moving forward. Building should begin in Spring of 2022.
TOWN OF LENROOT DEPUTY CLERK WAGE INCREASE: The Clerk requested a wage of $17.00 an hour for the Deputy Clerk. With all the training/work it entails, the current wage of $12.50 is just not feasible. At this time Jenni Bandow [Deputy Clerk] asked to speak. She said, in her opinion that when the time comes when Carol decides not to run for office, that the Board should consider changing to an Appointed Clerk positon. [To do that the Board would have to hold a Town Meeting of The Electors]. With an appointed clerk they could choose someone who is qualified and knows how to use Quickbooks and Accounting. She said Carol does not need a deputy clerk on a regular basis, she does a fine job on her own. If there should be an emergency, Carol could work at home or Jenni would be happy to come in and help. Jenni then stated that she is resigning as deputy clerk, but would be available in an emergency but not @$12.50 an hour. The chairman asked if she would consider $15.00 an hour for emergency work. She said she would accept that wage. Chairman Christians made a motion to approve the wage for Emergency Deputy Clerk @$15.00 an hour. Supervisor Jack Sjostrom 2nd the motion. All in favor. 4 yes, 1 Abstain. Chairman Christians-yes, Supervisor Jack Sjostrom – yes, Supervisor Jason Sjostrom,- yes, Supervisor Kariainen-yes, Supervisor Bandow- Abstained. Motion Carried
ROAD & BRIDGE REPORT: Grading & mowing in process. Culverts are received for blacktopping.
Eric request Dash Cams for the road equipment. There have been some incidents that should have been recorded.
CEMETERY: Clerk to set up fall meeting for committee.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Supervisor Jack Sjostrom made a motion to approve the Federal and State withholding internet payments and check series #29632 thru #29666, making the August 9th, 2021, total expense of $$32,147.49. Supervisor Kariainen 2nd the motion. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Supervisor Jason Sjostrom made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Supervisor Bandow 2nd the motion. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned: August 9th, 2021 @7:01
Respectfully submitted by: Carol Stone, Clerk
Gordon Christians, Chairman